Nu har det uppdagats att Herr Karlå kommer lämna Femman och söka sig till sydliga bredd grader..En fråga.. Kan detta hål fyllas i Femman genom att Anders ( spelar sweet home Alabama på en lägerelds gitarr) Bäckström efter två års frånvaro återvänder. Detta återstår å se, när pre-season drar igång.
Och för att blicka framåt mot Croatia 2012. Så kommer här en par radar från undertecknad.
"A lot of people run a race to see who is fastest. I run to see who has the most guts, who can punish himself into exhausting pace, and then at the end, punish himself even more. Nobody is going to win "the råttbo" race after running an easy day. Not with me. If I loose forcing the pace all the way, well, at least I can live with myself."
The only tactics I admire are conquer-or-die
Viva Le Croatia 2012

// The Black Runner
och för dom som undrar varav detta smeknamn till beckis...historien går långt bakåt, men fick sin officiella innebörd efter SNOs årsfest (gissa låten)..Och vem hoppar inte upp DIRR på scenen å dammar av en riktig klassiker " Vill du ligga me mig då, om sanningen ska fram" Eric Amarillo
SvaraRaderaThe black runner går ut offensivt som vanligt, det gillar jag. Det som jag däremot undrar är, vad hände på middagen 2011?
SvaraRaderaTo all of you who don't believe in the black runner. the middag 2011 took a wrong turn after the black runner, meaning me!, had a great race on the Oban 2011. And just as any other runner after a great race. i celebreated hard. and if the media can't handle this, then they are not worth the chair they are sitting on
SvaraRaderaBlack runner, what is it with all these dopers you seems to admire so much?
SvaraRaderaExcuse me. whats your name? Bkstrm i asked for an interview, but didn't get one.
SvaraRaderaWell Bkstrm i'd just wanted to make sure it was you. The reason you didn't get one, was because you wrote in the daily newspaper "folks our cancer is back" meaning me! With a statement like that, you are not worth the chair you are sitting on. First of all. Karlå, who i admire very much, was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. But he don't think he is gulity, so he can't confess just to make people like you happy. And second Mango, who i also admire very much. So what can i say about mango. well it's always hard to race against Mango.